Up Communism
Up Mongols
Articles general
- Communism - Wikipedia
- Mongol Empire - "The Mongol Empire was a massive empire during the 13th and 14th centuries... It is commonly referred to as the largest contiguous empire in the history of the world." - Wikipidia
- Mongol invasions of Korea - [After multiple Mongol invasions of Korea from 1231 to 1270, Korea was a tributary state for about 80 years] - Wikipedia
- The Mongols in World History - pdf 29 pages - website
- After the Soviet Union, Mongolia became the 2nd communist country in the world in 1924
- The main religion practiced within Mongolia is Tibetan Buddhism
- About 0.5 percent of the global population -- are descendants of GENGHIS KHAN! (read) - Many more are descendants of Mongol soldiers, who now are ancestors of many people in countries that became communist.
- 1os of millions have been killed in genocides caused by communist rule and also by conquests by the Mongol Empire.
- Genghis Khan and the Communists - "The Mongolian past has been drawn by both sides into twentieth-century disputes between Russia and China" - "Not only did the Mongols tear Russia away from Europe; but by doing so they prevented her from sharing the stimulating experience of the Renaissance and the scientific revolution." - History Today - See also Mass killings under Communist regimes - Wikipedia
- Genghis Khan the GREEN: Invader killed so many people that carbon levels plummeted - Mail Online - Jan 25, 2011
- 1 in 200 men direct descendants of Genghis Khan - A saying attributed to Genghis Khan: "The greatest joy for a man is to defeat his enemies, to drive them before him, to take from them all they possess, to see those they love in tears, to ride their horses, and to hold their wives and daughters in his arms." - August 5, 2010
- The descendants of Genghis Khan - all 50,000 of them - rush to register their vote in Mongolia - "Some 17 million people in Asia are estimated to be the direct descendants of Genghis Khan." - The Independent - June 26, 2004
- The ‘resurrection’ of Ghengis Khan - "Persona non grata in Communist times, medieval leader Ghengis Khan has made a comeback adorning posters, bottles, and even the local currency in Mongolia." - RT - 2:33 min
Up Communism
Up Mongols
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This seems to be a very interesting comparison.
ReplyDeleteBoth empires are about dictatorships and spiritual darkness!
Russia = the morden Mongol Empire.
ReplyDeleteLenin has Kalmyk Mongol blood,even few Russian tsars were Mongols,like tsar Boris Godunov is one of the direct descendants of Genghis Khan.Ivan the Terrible's mother is the also a direct descendants of Genghis Khan.
today you can see obvious Mongol features on many Russian people's faces