February 20, 2011

Ancient Japan

The earliest polished stone tools in the world...Image via WikipediaThe earliest polished stone tools in the world. Pre-Jōmon (Japanese Paleolithic) period, 30,000 BCE.

Research topics

Articles general
  • Japanese Paleolithic - "The Japanese Paleolithic period began around 50,000 to 30,000 BC, when the earliest stone tool implements have been found, and continued to around 14,000 BC" - Wikipedia
  • Yonaguni Monument - "The Yonaguni Monument is a massive underwater rock formation off the coast of Yonaguni, the southernmost of the Ryukyu Islands, in Japan." - Wikipedia (Some claim that the Yonaguni Monument is a remnant of the hypothetical continent Mu)
  • The Ainu, an indigenous group of people living in Japan, originate from this period.
  • During this early history of Japan sea levels were much lower due to living in an Ice Age. There was no Yellow Sea. Yonaguni was the southern end of a land bridge that connected it to Taiwan, Ryūkyū, Japan and Asia. The Sea of Japan was an inland sea.


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