February 6, 2011

Philo of Alexandria

(Philo "Judaeus") von Alexandreia/Ph...Image via WikipediaUp Philosophers

Articles general

  • Philo - "Philo (20 BC – 50 AD), known also as Philo of Alexandria, Philo Judaeus, Philo Judaeus of Alexandria, Yedidia, "Philon", and Philo the Jew, was a Hellenistic Jewish Biblical philosopher born in Alexandria." - Wikipedia
  • Philo - New World Encyclopedia
  • Philo's view of God - "Philo interprets the stories of Torah as elaborate metaphors and symbols. He does not reject the subjective experience of Ancient Judaism; yet, he repeatedly explains that the Torah cannot be understood as a concrete, objective history. Philo is largely shaped by contemporary Greek philosophy. For example, he explains that ideal Greek forms for reason and wisdom illustrate the deep, mystical truth of God and Judaism." - Wikipedia
  • Philo's Works - "The Church Fathers have preserved most of Philo's works that are now extant. Many of these are allegorical commentaries on the Torah, but there are several significant other works of history and philosophy." - Wikipedia
  • Essentials of Unification Thought - "The identification of the Word with God is said to have been the expression of John, who had been influenced by Philo of Alexandria (ca. 25 B. C. - A. D. 40), who regarded Logos as the Second God. If the Word is identified with God, however, a problem arises. Hegel is a case in point: considering Idea, or Logos, to be God, Hegel described the creation of' the universe as tile self-development of Idea (or Logos). As a result, the personal aspect of God became excluded from his philosophy." - paragraph about 'Logos'
  • The works of Philo Judaeus - pdf 1221 pages
  • Philo influenced early Christology by either introducing or emphasizing the concept of Logos as God's creative principle.
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