Up Spirit world
Articles general
- Angel - "Angels are messengers of God in the Hebrew Bible... the New Testament and the Quran. The term "angel" has also been expanded to various notions of spiritual beings found in many other religious traditions. Other roles of angels include protecting and guiding human beings, and carrying out God's tasks." - Wikipedia
- Angels in the Bible
- Christian angelic hierarchy - "According to medieval Christian theologians, the Angels are organized into several orders, or Angelic Choirs" - Wikipedia
- Deva (Hinduism) - "Deva... is the Sanskrit word for god or deity. In modern Hinduism, it can be loosely interpreted as any benevolent supernatural beings." - Wikipedia
- Islamic view of angels - "Angels ... are mentioned many times in the Qur'an and Hadith. Islam is clear on the nature of angels in that they are messengers of God. They have no free will, and can do only what God orders them to do." - Wikipedia
- What does the Bible teach about angels? - ChristianAnswers.net
- Yazata - "Yazata is the Avestan language word for a Zoroastrian concept. The word has a wide range of meanings but generally signifies... a divinity. The term literally means "worthy of worship" or "worthy of veneration."" - Wikipedia
- Christmas Unwrapped: How angels fell from their pedestals - "Yet as belief in angels becomes more shaky among the traditionally religious, interest has soared among many who are spiritual but distanced from traditional religion."- National Post - Dec 23, 2010
- How a third of us believe a guardian angel is looking over us - "Nearly a third of Britons – 29 per cent – believe that a guardian angel is always watching over them, according to research." - Mail Online - Dec 23, 2010
- Healing Angel of Light - by Secret Garden - 3:41 min
- * DIVINE PRINCIPLE PART I CHAPTER 2 FALL OF MAN - Unification Church view on the fall of man, which involved Lucifer
- The World of Angels - Excerpted from Messages from the Spirit World By Dr. Sang Hun Lee - "Chapter One: The Original World of Angels - Chapter Two: The Angelic World after the Fall of Lucifer" - unifiedfamily.org
- Angelic Human Race - A typical New Age exaltation of angels - 5:40 min
- Forbidden History of The Nephilim Part 1 - The nephilim are mentioned in the Bible and are said to be offspring of angels who had mated with human females - 6:31 min
- Angelology - Angelology - What's Angels - Angelic Orders - The 7 Heavens - Archangels & Angels - Angelic Info - Archangels & Archeiai - Angelic Scripts - Angels & Demons Chart - Fallen Angels
- Angels - What do Mormons think?
- A selection of articles related to Angel - Global Oneness

John : Dr. Lee, in one of his booklets from the spirit world, goes in to great length about the nature and mission as well as the organization of angels. I'll see if I can find a link online and forward it to you to include here.
ReplyDeleteThanks Charles for forwarding this to me. I've included your link under the subhead 'Teaching' - The World of Angels