Articles general
- Tibetan Buddhism - Wikipedia
- Tibetan Buddhist canon - Wikipedia
- Extracts from the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying - "Sogyal Rinpoche's acclaimed spiritual classic is widely regarded as one of the most complete and authoritative presentations of the Tibetan Buddhist teachings ever written."
- Guide to Tipitaka - pdf - 156 pages - many more files here
- Sutra of Boundless Life and Wisdom - many more translations of Tibetan Buddhist texts here
- Tibetan Buddhist art - slideshow
- Tibet meditation music - Playlist of 44 videos
- Buddhist teachings - Playlist of 47 videos
- Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche - about the teacher-student relationships - 26:08 (more about DJK Rinpoche)
- Fivefold Teachings of Dawa Gyaltsen, Part 1 - Introduction 1 - "Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche explains the essence of a heart teaching by Dawa Gyaltsen, an eighth century meditation master from the Bon Buddhist tradition of Tibet. These teachings are designed to guide one directly to the root of one's self, to the clear and blissful experience that is the true nature of mind." - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7 - part 8

- Buddhist online study guide
- Lotsawa House - library of free Tibetan Buddhist texts
- The Tibetan Canon
- Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center
- Tibetanlama.com - Tibetan Buddhism resource website
Up Tibet
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