Up Music
Articles general
- History of classical music traditions - "Music is found in every known culture, past and present, varying wildly between times and places... Since all people of the world, including the most isolated tribal groups, have a form of music, scientists conclude that music is likely to have been present in the ancestral population prior to the dispersal of humans around the world." - Wikipedia
- Indian classical music - Wikipedia
- Music history - "Historical studies of music are ... concerned with a composer's life and works, the developments of styles and genres (such as baroque concertos), the social function of music for a particular group of people (such as music at the court), or the modes of performance at a particular place and time (such as the performance forces of Johann Sebastian Bach's choir in Leipzig)." - Wikipedia
- Music of China - Wikipedia
- Popular music - Wikipedia
- A brief history of Popular Music before Rock Music - by Piero Scarufi - "Blues, Country, Cabaret, Ragtime, Film Music, Soul, European, Latin, Jamaican, African, Arab, Indian..." - can be read online
- An Outline of The History of Western Music Grout 6th Edition Compliments of the Reel Score - pdf file free download - This book reads like an outline - 148 pages
- The Oxford History of Music (1901) - by William Henry Hadow
- Volume 1 - downloadsite - read online
- Volume 2 - downloadsite - read online
- Volume 3 - downloadsite - read online
- Volume 4 - downloadsite - read online
- Volume 5 - downloadsite - read online
- Volume 6 - downloadsite - read online
- History of music - playlist of 74 videos, classical, jazz and other genres
- The Best of French Composers (Lully to Ravel) - music with portraits of the composers - 10:01 min
- The best of Russian composers - mostly music, with pictures of the composers - 6:51 min
- 7 Ages of Music - 56-min documentary - "March 1992 - By the makers of Dolly and The Inkspots, here is an overview of the history of South African music, from the simple use of song to praise creation to the unique jazz sound of today." - 10-minute introduction to a longer documentary
- A chronology of music from prehistory to the present day
- Education - History of Classical Music - Website with many pages of information
- MusicAndHistory.com - "A chronological view of western music history in the context of world events"

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