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- Resurrection - "Like all ancient peoples, the early Hebrews believed that the dead go down into the underworld and live there a colorless existence ... Only an occasional person, and he an especially fortunate one, like Enoch or Elijah, could escape from Sheol, and these were taken to heaven to the abode of Yhwh, where they became angels ..." - Jewish Encyclopedia
- Resurrection - "Resurrection is most commonly associated with ... the raising of a person from death back to life. " - New World Encyclopedia
- * Resurrection - "The resurrection of dead humans is a central doctrine of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. It may refer to the literal coming back to life of biologically dead corpses by divine power, or to a purely spiritual resurrection..." - Wikipedia
- * Resurrection - "Then, how will resurrection be achieved for those individuals now in the spiritual world who could not reach perfection while on earth? Spirit men can neither grow nor resurrect apart from their physical body. Therefore, they must come again to earth..." - From 'Divine Principle, 6-hour lecture - Teaching of the Unification Church
- Resurrection of the dead - "Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Zoroastrianism all variously describe a resurrection of the dead, usually referring to a regeneration of all people to face God on Judgment Day." - Wikipedia
- * Resurrection - Blogs on resurrection by John Eagles
Resurrection, Reincarnation, and Humanness - by H. Wayne House - Gives an overview of the views of different religions and philosophies on resurrection and reincarnation - pdf file, 14 pages
Olivier Messiaen - Et Exspecto Resurrectionem Mortuorum 1/3 - Organ music - 7:44 min
- * DIVINE PRINCIPLE - 5 - Resurrection - Teaching of the Unification Church
New Jerusalem - Today's Christian Videos - Christian Biblical view of building The New Jerusalem at the Final Judgment - 5:37 min

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