Up Indigenous peoples
"Since the mid 1990s, the central government of Botswana has implemented a relocation policy, aiming to move the Bushmen out of their ancestral land on the Central Kalahari Game Reserve into newly created settlements." - Wikipedia
Articles general
- Bushmen - "The indigenous people of southern Africa, whose territory spans most areas of South Africa, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Mozambique, Swaziland, Botswana, Namibia, and Angola, are variously referred to as Bushmen, San, Sho, Basarwa, Kung, or Khwe. These people were traditionally hunter-gatherers..." - Wikipedia
- The yellow and dark-skinned people of Africa south of the Zambesi; a description of the Bushmen, the Hottentots, and particularly of the Bantu (1910) - by Theal, George McCall, 1837-1919 - 454 pages - download pdf - read online
- Botswana Music - Kalahari Desert San Bushmen - "Sejwalejwale" - 4:09 min
- Victory for Kalahari Bushmen as court grants right to water - Survival International - Jan 27, 2011
- Wikileaks: US embassy condemned eviction of Kalahari Bushmen - "The US Ambassador to Botswana strongly condemned the government’s forced eviction of the Kalahari Bushmen, according to secret US embassy cables..." - Survival International - Jan 20, 2011
- Bushmen back in court over water rights - "The Bushmen won the right to return to their ancestral lands in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve after Botswana’s longest running court case four years ago. But a 2010 High Court ruling supported the government policy banning them from getting water from inside the reserve." - Survival International - Jan 19, 2011
- Namibia Bushmen were first people in ‘Garden of Eden’ - "...a genetic study of Africa suggests that the origin of humanity lies in a sandy, inhospitable region near the coastal border of Namibia and Angola." - timesonline.co.uk - May 2, 2009
- From the Kalahari to Court - about the struggle of the Bushmen to stay on their tribal land and the help given by Survival International
- San - Playlist of 33 videos about the San (Bushmen), music and information
Up Indigenous peoples
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