Articles general
- Viktor Schauberger - "Viktor Schauberger (30 June 1885 – 25 September 1958) was an Austrian forester/forest warden, naturalist, philosopher, inventor and Biomimicry experimenter. The inventor of what he called "implosion technology", Schauberger developed his own theories based on fluidic vortices and movement in nature." - Wikipedia
- Who was Viktor Schauberger? - by Morten Ovesen, the Malmö group.
- Viktor Schauberger - The Water-wizard from Austria. - Website about Schauberger
* Nature Was My Teacher - The Vision of Viktor Schauberger - 41:44 min when you watch the entire series of videos
The Extraordinary Nature of Water - Based on the theories of Viktor Schauberger - "You will be guided through forests, rivers, and the global water cycle, revealing insights into water's nature and how it needs to be handled for us to stay healthy." - 59:57 min (the link above leads to the Google video, the video below to the first of a series showing the same content)
- Viktor Schauberger Vortex Video - "Some images to contemplate upon, relating to the pioneering work of Viktor Schauberger in the Fields of Forestry, Stream Management, Agriculture, Environmentalism, Implosion Physics and non-polluting, Free Energy Technologies. He personally designed these technologies to benefit humanity and usher in a new era of unlimited abundance for everyone." - 6:25 min

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