Articles general
- New religious movement - "A new religious movement (NRM) is a religious community or ethical, spiritual, or philosophical group of modern origin. NRMs may be novel in origin or they may be part of a wider religion, such as Christianity, Hinduism or Buddhism..." - Wikipedia
- Religious trends in the West - Religious Tolerance.org
- Church of Scientology investigated over ‘slave labor’: report - The Raw Story - Feb 7, 2011
- German theologians call for end to celibacy - "University theologians in Germany have called on the Catholic Church to abandon the vow of celibacy for priests, open up the clergy for women and accept gays couples." - boston.com - Feb 4, 2011
- Study: Muslims to Make Up Fourth of World's Population by 2030 - "... the global Muslim population will grow by more than a third over the next two decades - with significant increases in Europe and the United States. However, it also expects that the overall rate of growth will begin to slow down." - VOA - Jan 27, 2011
- Christians ‘less devout’ than followers of other religions in Britain - Religion News Blog - Jan 27, 2011
- New York is experiencing a faith revival - The Washington Post - Jan 19, 2011
- World Trends in Religious Freedom - Discussion at the Hudson Institute - 1:39:38
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