Up China
Articles general
- Economic history of modern China - After a period of civil war and turmoil that began in 1911, the communist installed a planned economy. From 1949 on free-market policies were prevailing - Wikipedia
- Economy of the People's Republic of China - "[China] is the world's second largest economy both in nominal and PPP terms after the United States. It is the world's fastest-growing major economy, with average growth rates of 10% for the past 30 years." - Wikipedia
- List of the largest companies of China - Wikipedia
- China Regains Status as World's Top Manufacturer - "China has dethroned the U.S. and regained its status as the world's largest manufacturing country for the first time since the end of the 19th century, according to a report by the Financial Times." - The Chosun Ilbo - March 15, 2011
- China's economic invasion of Africa - About a million Chinese, from engineers to chefs, have moved to work in Africa in the past decade." - guardian.co.uk - Feb 6, 2011
- Food Worries Rise in China - "Feeding the country’s massive population remains one of the biggest threats to future economic growth and social stability, experts warn." - Inter Press Service - Jan 19, 2011
- China ahead of World Bank in loans to developing nations - FT - "China lent at least $110bn (£68bn) to governments and firms in other developing countries in 2009 and 2010, surpassing the $100.3bn by the World Bank" - guardian.co.uk - Jan 18, 2011
- The era of 'owned by China' - "There is nothing new in China buying the assets and debts of countries and companies around the world with the huge foreign currency reserves it accumulates by producing cheap goods that the rest of the world wants to buy.But the speed with which these reserves has grown as China's economic juggernaut consistently outpaces every other economy is enabling it to exert an ever tighter grip on global business, finance and, in turn, politics." - Guardian - Jan 12, 2011
- How Wall Street blew it in China - "Wall Street has managed to firm up its foothold in the burgeoning Chinese securities industry. But its best chance to negotiate major access into China's capital markets may have passed it by a decade ago." - The Wall Street Journal - Jan 9, 2011
- Buying EU Debt Will Increase China's Influence in Europe - "... with the US tightening its military relationship with Asian countries in what is widely seen as an attempt to contain China's power in the region, China has moved to counter the US strategy by strengthening its economic and cultural ties with European countries." - wantchinatimes.com - Dec 23, 2010
China's economic future de-linked from USA + $US: Richard Martin of IMA Asia interview - China's exceptional economic growth stimulates economic growth in other Asian countries - posted March 2010 - 8:13 min
- * China's strategic plan to become the strongest economy (in Africa) - China has invested an unparalleled amount of money in Africa in recent years, trying to get a hold on Africa's rich mineral resources - Posted Oct 12, 2010 - 5:23 min
* Power and Prosperity: China's Stimulus Strategy (2009) -Beijing spends and invest and wheels and deals. In the process, China is crafting a recovery strategy that's spreading its interests around the world. - Global Pulse: April 17, 2009 - 5:05 min
Up China
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Many commentators from around the world speak about China's growing economic power and influence on the world's economy in terms of 'China having to takes its responsibility.'
ReplyDeleteHow naive is that?