Up Korea
Articles general
- Christianity in Korea - "The practice of Christianity in Korea centres around two of its largest branches, Protestantism and Catholicism, accounting for 8.6 million and 5.1 million members respectively. Christianity has had a short history in Korea, with Roman Catholicism first introduced in the 18th century..." - Wikipedia
- Korean martyrs - "The Korean Martyrs were the victims of religious persecution against the Catholic Church during the 19th century in Korea. At least 8,000 adherents to the faith were known to have been killed during this persecution, 103 of whom were canonized en masse in 1984." - Wikipedia
- Korean Orthodox Church - Wikipedia
- Roman Catholicism in South Korea - "The Roman Catholic Church in South Korea is part of the worldwide Catholic Church, under the spiritual leadership of the Pope and curia in Rome. The history of Catholicism (and Christianity in general) in Korea began in 1784..." - Wikipedia
- Yoido Full Gospel Church - "Yoido Full Gospel Church is a Pentecostal church on Yeouido (Yoi Island) in Seoul, South Korea. With about 1,000,000 members (2007), it is the largest Pentecostal Christian congregation in South Korea, and the world." - Wikipedia (see also David Yonggi Cho – a biography of the Senior Pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church.)
- * The Religious Revolution in Modern Korean History: Podcast of Professor Don Baker at The Korea Society - (The Korea Society) - May 15, 2009
- * History of Christianity in Korea: From Its Troubled Beginning to Its Contemporary Success - by Andrew E. Kim - tparents.org
- The Great Revival Movement of 1907 And its Historical Impact on Korean Church - By Dr. Young Hee Park - pdf 22 pages
- 내가 천사의 말 한다해도 - 김명식 - (Without love we have nothing - Kim Myeong Shik) -
- Truth - North Korean Testimony - "An inspiring and emotional testimony from a young North Korean student at the 2010 Third Lausanne Congress of World Evangelism in Capetown, South Africa." - Her father, a former assistant of Kim Jong Il had first escaped from North Korea, went back as a Christian missionary and has disappeared since then - 8:41 min
- Yoido Full Gospel Church Prayer Service - "4:30am morning prayer at Dr. Yonggi Cho's Church in Seoul, South Korea. Leslie and I attended and it was packed with 12,000 people praying strong! This is the largest Pentecostal Church in the world with 780,000 members." - 1:09 min
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